Xsyon 2012 Italian Community

XSYON UPDATES, Aggiornamenti dagli sviluppatori

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view post Posted on 19/10/2011, 14:45

October 29 2011:

Patch Notes:

Crafting and Construction:
- New architecture parts: Ramps, Platforms, Corner Walls, Corner Floors.
- Revised bonuses for Artisan and Master Tools.

Character and Interaction:
- Improved functions for interaction distance to keep containers open properly.

- Improved placement collision (in particular for placing objects on floors and ramps).
- Improved collision in general for new architecture parts.
- Removed abundance of trees in the green mist.

Interface and Rendering:
- HDR (High Dynamic Range) improved.
- Sun ray effect with HDR turned on.

Bug Fixes:
- Blocked dismantling buildings with objects on top.
- Fixed inventory bugs.
- Fixed decimal display of skill points.
- Fixed Heyburn Pants meshes.

The main goals of this patch are to get the new architecure parts out there and to prepare inventory functions for carts and undead. I am leaving for Russia tonight so I won't be settled in until Monday or so.


October 29 2011: 3:00 AM

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The main server is restarting and will be up soon. The restart is taking a while as we are running a process to remove the abundance of trees in the green mist.

I will post patch notes in the morning.


October 29 2011: 12:30 AM

The main server will be down from 2:00AM to 3:AM PST for an update. I will post again after the update!

Edited by Khalart - 30/10/2011, 23:35
view post Posted on 5/11/2011, 13:57

Settimana prossima patch, lunedi risponde ad alcune domande

November 4 2011:

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

I'm finally fully settled in here in Russia. It was a long trip with a canceled flight to deal with and it took me a while to get my internet properly set up, but everything is good now and I've spent the past day and a half catching up with what was done while I was traveling.

The main focus right this weekend is to test what's been done this week and get the next patch out early next week. I will catch up with the Questions of the Week by Monday. That's my quick update for today. I hope you all enjoyed the Halloween event!

traduzione letteraria: su http://xsyon-italia.blogspot.com/2011/11/a...-una-patch.html

Edited by Sares - 5/11/2011, 14:15
view post Posted on 8/11/2011, 14:32

Patch del 6 novembre implementazioni:

Patch Note:


-Collision miglioramenti per risolvere alcuni bug di collocamento e di collisione con rampe e piani, in particolare dei confini delle zone vicine.
- Pioggia e neve migliorate in generale, incluso il bloccaggio di passaggio tra tetti ed edifici.
- Ombre ottimizzata.
- Funzionalità di contenitore dell'acqua inserita.I Contenitori attuali saranno patchati con il prossimo aggiornamento e i secchi serviranno anche come contenitori per l'acqua.
- Ranghi Tribe ora hanno un permesso separato per smantellare. Questo non è completamente impostata,sarà funzionale nella prossima patch.
Un'altra patch d’emergenza sarà pronta entro i prossimi giorni.

Perche' alcune novità non vanno??? ecco la risposta!

In poche parole: la scorsa patch ha creato un bug nell'inventario e hanno rimediato con una patch , poi hanno inserito nella patch delle meccaniche nuove, ma con alcuni file mancanti e questo ha crato un cresh continuo del server, con la prossima patch, che dovrebbe venire in settimana, ci saranno i file mancanti e le nuove meccaniche saranno funzionanti al 100%

Notizia completa in Italiano su: http://xsyon-italia.blogspot.com/2011/11/p...cora-patch.html

Sito offy: www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/1440-Xsyon-Updates
view post Posted on 9/11/2011, 09:48

November 8 2011 11:00 PM PST:

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

We are currently patching out another emergency patch. In the last patch we let some water container code slip out that was not fully tested and ready and it's caused problems with the server tonight. The server is restarting and will be up with a fix in about 20 minutes.

Patch Notes:

- Permissions for Dismantle should now work separately from Construct permissions. These will need to be set for your ranks.
- Water container code fixed. Final container system will be made available with the next non emergency patch.

November 7 2011:

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

I've caught up with 2 weeks of Questions from players for those interested. I will catch up with the rest as soon as I can. It's a very hectic week and I need to get back to more important coding tasks. We are also preparing a new launcher that requires some extensive testing. A lot is going on this week so my updates will be brief, but we will have another patch this week as well as one next week.

That's all for now!
view post Posted on 10/11/2011, 16:20

November 10 2011

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The Test Server is up with our latest build. This build has water containers fully functioning. Here is a brief description of water containers.

1) Buckets
Buckets can be filled at rivers or lakes. One action will fill the bucket.
Buckets can be emptied. One action will empty the bucket.
Buckets can be used to fill Barrels.
Buckets can be filled at Barrels.
Artisan and Master Buckets have more capacity.
Buckets will be used primarily for filling up barrels.

2) Barrels
Barrels are built in place, like buildings.
Currently there are only Pioneer's Barrels as a scheme in Woodcraft.
Barrels can be Moved, like building ghosts.
Barrels can be filled from waterskins or buckets.
Barrels can be used to fill waterskins or buckets.
Barrels contain many 'charges'.
Barrels display their contents and count under the name display when selected.
To use a barrel:
Select the barrel
Right click a waterskin or bucket in your inventory, it will show Empty To and Fill From. These can be used to interact with a barrel.
Barrels will be used primarily for in town water storage.

3) Waterskins
Waterskins are crafted as part of Toolcraft.
Waterskins can be filled at rivers or barrels.
Waterskins can be used to drink from.
Waterskins contain less 'charges' than buckets and barrels.
Waterskins will be used primarily for portable drinking.
Artisan and Master Waterskins hold more 'charges'.

By setting up water containers we've set up a system that will allow other interactions in the future with objects in your inventory and objects in the 'world' such as furniture.

We will wait for some feedback and testing on this and if everything checks out we will patch this to the public.

In addition, we do have an improved launcher ready. However, as many of you already know, I am getting married this weekend so I don't want to pile up any additional work for the team this weekend in case the launcher has problems when released!

The launcher will be released early next week and I will be settled in to crank out features the rest of this month!

I am considering adding the Move menu to ground containers and totems (within a short distance of the town center) if we don't have any problems moving barrels around.

Some waterskins require some materials that are not yet in game. This will be in next week. Plastic bags (required for one of the skins) are available.

If you want to test some of these things on the Test Server, GuideRaguel and GuideMihr should be available to hand out recipes so that they don't need to be scavenged or learned.

view post Posted on 10/11/2011, 17:06

Bello, mi piace. E' una piccolezza avere le botti, ma io lo vedo come un primo importante passo verso un approccio più urbanistico contro quello di "fortezza" che abbiamo adesso. Scommetto che con l'agricoltura avremo anche le tubature da attaccare ai barili...
view post Posted on 10/11/2011, 17:16

Lol, magari! Cmq è molto più complesso di quanto avevo immaginato, specialmente per quanto riguarda i crafters: architetto, woodcrafter e toolcrafter indispensabili...
view post Posted on 10/11/2011, 17:35

Sicuro che i barili li costruisca l'architetto? Leggo solo che saranno posizionati in loco, come le strutture.Poi se lo fanno gli architetti meglio ancora, più diversità.
view post Posted on 16/11/2011, 13:12

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The Main Server is restarting with a small patch. We spent yesterday fixing some minor annoyances and bugs with recent changes. Our focus this week is to continue with some bug fixes, wrap up carts and get mutants out to the public as soon as possible.

Patch Notes:

Minor Improvements:
- Skill gain is reported every full point gain only.
- Improved Boulder Destroy command so that Guides can help players removed unwanted boulders. If you have any unwanted boulders that you can't remove, please contact one of our Guides.

Bug Fixes:
- Learning Master Waterskin recipes fixed.
- Fixed positioning of fishing rods with wrong positions in hands.
- Fixed selection circle for large buildings.
- 'Hunted by' on items gathered from creatures now displays who killed the creature. Works on newly gathered animal parts only.
- Problem causing the tool tip to glitch and display a container background fixed. We need confirmation of this fix as the glitch was difficult to reproduce. If you still see this problem, please report this to our of our Guides.
- Bug causing players and creatures to sometimes not appear to other other players fixed.
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 16:23

a bastasu, l'avevo appena letto sul foro e volevo postarlo asd

nello specifico

"The coming patch will have seed gathering, tree planting, improved shadows, further improved rainfall and snow gathering innards from creatures, increased creature stats and mutants"

Già inizia l'agricoltura, mi piace!

Inoltre il server viene spostato in europa (probabilmente in russia, conoscendo il team di sviluppatori), forse riusciremo ad avere ping sotto i 100 sisi
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 16:32

sta cosa del server europero mi fa pensare....ma non erano americani la maggior parte di loro???

o forse parlando del server dove si scarica??? perche' ricordo che i server sono 2 uno dove si gioca e uno dove si scarica le patch!

cmq. che CAVOLO DICI??? gia inizia l'agricoltura????cioe' FINALMENTE DEVI DIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
view post Posted on 26/11/2011, 15:16

novità sulla famosa patch? :)
view post Posted on 26/11/2011, 16:06

CITAZIONE (Sares @ 21/11/2011, 16:32) 
cmq. che CAVOLO DICI??? gia inizia l'agricoltura????cioe' FINALMENTE DEVI DIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ads. In realtà l'agricoltura l'avevano programmata per dopo il prelude, hanno anticipato qualche aspetto.

@Tonibi: esce tra oggi e domani (o lunedì da noi, per il fuso orario) :D
36 replies since 17/7/2011, 13:37   1341 views